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The Principal and the school management team must determine a process of registration for admission in order to enable the admission of learners to take place in a timely and an efficient manner. Parents must apply for the admission of their children before the end of the preceding school year or the last date of submissions of the application form which is decided by the management every year.
Application form along with school prospectus ,fee structure and available subject choices for the admission will be available in the school office or can be down loaded form the school website.
A completed application form with relevant document  mentioned in the application form must submit to the office with a registration fee which is non refundable ( amount to be decided by the management for every year ).
Once the application is successful ,the parent can take the admission by paying a month fee in advance and learner profile will be created with an admission number which is a 9 digit number. All the correspondence with the school  will be  done using the admission number 

 A learner is admitted to the total school programme and may not be suspended from classes, denied access to cultural, sporting or social activities of the school, denied a school report or transfer certificates, or otherwise victimised on the grounds that his or her parent - 

     (a) is unable to pay or has not paid the required school fees;
     (b) does not subscribe to the mission statement and code of conduct of the school; or
     (c) has refused to enter into a contract in terms of which the parent waives any claim for     damages arising out  of the education of the learner.

“parent” means-

     (a) the parent or guardian of a learner;
     (b) the person legally entitled to custody of a learner; or
   (c) the person who undertakes to fulfil the obligations of a person referred to in paragraphs  (a) and (b) towards the learner’s education at school.

The name of a learner must be removed from a school’s admission register when the learner-

    (a) leaves the school after grade 12 or after completing the compulsory school attendance period, or is granted exemption from compulsory attendance according to section (4) of the South African Schools Act;
    (b) applies for a transfer to another school and the transfer is effected; 
    (c) is expelled from school; or 
    (d) dies. 

Documents required for admission of a learner

A parent must complete an application form for admission, which should be made available to him or her by the principal of the school together with the admission policy and the code of conduct for learners of the school. 

When a parent applies for admission of a learner , the parent must present an official birth certificate of the learner to the office of the Principal. If the parent is unable to submit the birth certificate, the learner may be admitted conditionally until a copy of the birth certificate is obtained from the regional office of the Department of Home Affairs.

On application for admission, a parent must show proof that the learner has been immunized against the following communicable diseases: polio, measles, tuberculosis, diphtheria, tetanus and hepatitis B.. 

If the  learner is  transferred from another school , the parent must produce  a transfer card .

If the transfer card is not available  school may admit the learner and place the learner in a grade on the basis of the following documentation: 

    (a) the last report card issued by the previous school; 
    (b) other equivalent documentation from the previous school; or 
   (c) a written affidavit of the parent stating the reason for not having the transfer card and the grade the learner attended at the previous school.


Admission of non-citizens
The South African Schools Act, 1996 and this policy apply equally to learners who are not citizens of the Republic of South Africa and whose parents are in possession of a permit for temporary or permanent residence issued by the Department of Home Affairs. 
A learner who entered the country on a study permit must present the study permit on admission

Register of admission
The  school will keep a register of admission . All admissions of learners to the school will  be recorded in the register of admission. The register will contain the name, date of birth, age, identity number, if applicable, and address of the learner as well as the names of the learner’s parents as defined in the South African Schools Act, 1996 (see footnote 1) and their addresses and telephone numbers, where applicable. 
Entries in the register of admission must be verified against the birth certificate or identity document of the learner concerned. 
Electronic register will be available for easy references as well.
Officials of the provincial education department must have access to the register of admission. 

Rights and obligations of parents
The  school will inform all parents of learners admitted to the  school of their rights and obligations in terms of the South African Schools Act, 1996, any applicable provincial law. 
Parents must specifically be informed about their rights and obligations in respect to the governance and affairs of the school, including the process of deciding the school programs, any decision of a parent meeting relating to school fees, and the Code of Conduct for Learners 
Parents have an obligation to support their children to attend school regularly. 


Right of appeal
Its the discretion of the school management to admit a child to the school and the registration of application doesn't guarantee that the child will be admitted.